


热烈祝贺广东省与普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯- 蓝色海岸大区

发稿时间:2018-07-22 15:44:35 来源:

Warm congratulations on the Successful Completion of Guangdong Province and Provence-Alpes-
Blue Coast Economic Exchange Conference

October 19th, Guangdong province and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Economic exchange meeting were held in Guangzhou White Swan Hotel.  The two sides exchanged business blueprint, deepened understanding of each other, and carried out beneficial cooperation. Vice Governor He Zhongyou and Provence-Alpes area Chairman Christian Estros attended the event. Also, Provincial Federation of Commerce organized other Chinese enterprises to participate in conference activities.

He Zhongyou warmly welcomed the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regional representatives. In his speech, he pointed out that the Provence-Alpes region is one of the most prosperous areas with the most concentrated science and technology resources in France.  The province also has enormous tourism and educational resources, High-Tech Parks, aerospace research centers and international collaborations in nuclear fusion. Guangdong Province is the forerunner of China's reform and opening-up and is currently committed to its further expansion and strengthen its cooperation with other developed countries and regions such as Europe and the United States. Guangdong is aiming at speeding up the construction of a higher level open economy. Therefore, there are high expectations on to the two provinces original cooperation and we will continue to innovate and open new interests to coincide with each other for growth and make effective use of both sides in the areas of the economy, science and technology, tourism and education. We should utilize each other’s advantages, share resources, and promote friendship and cooperation to improve our quantitative and qualitative win-win development.

The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region delegation has more than 60 people visited, including 32 business representatives. A total of 37 Chinese companies, 47 participants.

Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Cooperation Department, Minister of International Affairs Lin Dongwei attended the event.