


郭玉琨执行会长应邀参加中越建交 六十七周年庆典招待会

发稿时间:2018-07-22 09:52:46 来源:



Guo Yukung Executive President invited to join the Sino-Vietnamese diplomatic relations
Reception of the 67 anniversary celebration

On the evening of January 18, Guo Yukung ,the Executive President of GGCC,was invited to attend the reception of the 67 anniversary celebration of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People's Republic of China at Guangzhou Garden Hotel.
Ruan Jinhong, Consul General of the Vietnamese Consulate in Guangzhou, said: "Over the past 67 years, the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam has been lasting new, and bilateral friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields have been strengthened."Vietnam and Guangdong have fruitful exchanges and cooperation in the areas of high-level visits, trade, investment, agriculture, tourism and culture.The Vietnamese Consulate General in Guangzhou will continue to play a role as a bridge to promote bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, culture, science and technology and tourism.

At the meeting, Executive President Guo and Consul General Ruan Jinhong communicated on trade, investment, tourism and other areas, hoping that in 2017, the two sides continue in-depth development in their respective areas of cooperation .At the same time reporting to Vice Governor He Zhongyou the work of 2016 and new plan of 2017 of GGCC.Vice Governor He approved the work of GGCC, hoping that GGCC play a greater role in Guangdong economic restructuring and upgrading .